Zoë Rorvig

About Me

Hello! My name is Zoë Rorvig. I graduated from UNC Asheville/NC State with a Bachelors of Science in Engineering, concentrated in Mechatronics, with a minor in Mathematics. Since I graduated, I've worked at Continental as a Quality Systems Engineer. During my time there, I used several programs to create internal websites and paperless document systems. Now, I'm looking at getting back into something a little more technical. I've enjoyed learning some of the "behind-the-scenes" aspects of the programs/websites I used while at Continental and look forward to learning more.

Profile Picture


Dine and Sip

Dine and Sip Teaser

Tech Blog

Tech Blog Teaser

Note Taker

Note Taker Teaser

Work Day Scheduler

Work Day Scheduler Teaser

Weather Dashboard

Weather Dashboard Teaser

Coding Quiz Challenge

Code Quiz Teaser

Password Generator

Password Generator Teaser